How to Get Current Customers to Refer You to Others

refer a friendAccording to current marketing wisdom, one unhappy customer will tell 7 other people about their bad experience with a product, service or business. A happy customer will only tell 1 other person about their great experience. How can you beat these odds to get more of your satisfied customers to spread the word about your products and services?

The best way is to provide exceptional service that will have your client singing your praises organically. Another way is to produce excellent content in a range of formats useful to the prospects in your niche, including:

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Tips For Creating Powerful Headlines That Sell

Headlines that salesYou have mere seconds to capture a prospect’s attention. One of the single most powerful tools you have to accomplish this task is your headline. There are several keys to a compelling, and selling, headline. Here are a few tips to help you get the job done.

#1 Tap into Your Prospects’ Emotions

According to psychologists our buying decisions are based first and foremost on our emotions. Use headlines which offer your readers a strong emotional benefit or reaction. Some possible emotions are:

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Interview: FEAR Consulting

Interview With Ebony ButlerI recently had the opportunity to interview Ebony Butler, owner of FEAR CONSULTING. Click the icon below to listen in and learn how Fierce Energy Accelerates Results!

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Are You Hiding in Plain Sight?

Online Presence Are you ready to enhance your online presence with great niche-related features?

These days, any serious business owner with a goal in mind has a website or blog to help market their business. A website with your own domain name (URL) establishes a professional online presence and offers a central hub for all of your online and offline marketing efforts. However, if you have not updated your website recently or posted fresh content to it, it’s time to enhance your online presence to improve your chances of succeeding in a competitive niche.

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How to Sustain Profits by Creating New Products and Services Related to Your Business

profitOne of the most important ways to sustain profits in your niche-related business is to create new products and service that your targeted audience will be eager to buy. You can accomplish this in a number of ways.

The most obvious is the new product launch. If you know your niche well, chances are you should have a pretty good idea of what they really need and how much they are willing to pay for it. In other words, you will only create products that you are certain will sell.

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